The fact that we haven't posted pictures forever, I blame on Zann. I finally asked him nicely, and for those of you who just rolled your eyes it truly was very nice, and he did it. So here some very belated pictures.

My grandma died this past October. It was a blessing to see her go. She died at the age of 97. Three days before she died my brother and wife brought their three girls to see Grandma. This was also the first time I was able to meet my triplet nieces, Addison, Brooklyn, and Cambria. All of the grandkids are here, but one.

This is all of my brothers and sisters, but my brother and his family.

This is Teddy pulling the Home Alone face.

Happy Thanksgiving. This is the craziness that was happening downstairs. Thank you Colton for watching all of the kids.

I went to Bath & Body Works and got some lotion. Teddy wouldn't let go of the bag. It was really funny. He started putting things in the bag.

It's a Sesame Street book with Elmo, just in case you can't see it. The bag went everywhere with us. It was pretty comical.

Merry Christmas. This was our tree. Please don't ask me why Aurora is not wearing pants.

My little sister Suzy got home from her mission on December 13. What an awesome Christmas present. We sure missed her and have fully enjoyed having her home.

We taught Teddy how to say Suzy. He said it so cute. He is such a sweet kid.

We had a party at my oldest brother's house after we went to the airport. The kids loved seeing everyone and my older brother Nathan wanted in on the action and wanted to see how strong his legs were. Peyton, Lydia, and Teddy are all getting rides on his legs.

This is Teddy's loot from Christmas. He was so spoiled.

We went to eat first with the Richins and there was a sleigh and we got Aurora just a laughing. It was so cute. This was the cutest of all the pictures I thought.

Happy New Year everyone. We went and visited some of our closest friends, The Richins, who just recently moved to Salt Lake. We were able to go and hang out on Temple Square with them and see the lights. The kids had been sick and we were worried we weren't going to be able to go, but we were able to go. The lights are awesome there. I love seeing them. The kids had a ball.

We got some awesome snow one Sunday and so we had to build a snowman. Zann did most of the work while I watched the kids. I did help decorate the face though. Our lights also look awesome. Way to go babe!

At the end of January we were able to go to Phoenix, AZ for Zann's work. It was awesome. They paid for everything. We took Aurora, but left Teddy with my sister, thank you KaDawn.
This is us on our last day there.

This is the view from our window. It was beautiful. We stayed in the Sheraton Downtown. We were on the 22nd floor.

Aunt Annelle. We almost named Aurora after her because she was born on her birthday.

Aunt Ellie. She is the best cook ever.

In this picture are front row: me, Aunt Janett, who is holding Aurora, Grandpa and Uncle Quinn
back row: Heather, Raylynn, and Aunt Elli.

This is Uncle Quinn holding onto Aurora. She loved seeing all the animals and sitting on the horse. I wish Teddy could have been there with us. He would have been in heaven.

Zann had a bunch of meetings on Saturday and so I drove up to Show Low. It's about a three hour drive, but completely worth it. This is my grandpa. He is the most amazing man in the world. He has so much love for everyone. I wish I were more like him. Before I left I was doing fine without crying, but he followed me out to the car and I lost it. The ranch will always be my second home. I am grateful he was able to meet Aurora. I got lost on the way back to the Hotel. I drove around Phoenix for 1 1/2 hours before I finally made it home. It was awful.

This is Adelaide. She is a daughter of one of Zann's coworkers, Gary. His wife's name is Theresa. We hung out Friday night while they were in meetings. It was so much fun. Aurora had a little playmate too.

We had some extra time before we left on Sunday and so we went to the Mesa Temple. It was beautiful and so peaceful walking around the grounds on Sunday afternoon. We also found a ward to go to and went to Sacrament meeting. There was actually somebody in the ward who Zann went to high school with.

This is us at the Phoenix airport. I was so ready to be home. I totally enjoyed the 70 degree weather. We came home to snow. Lovely:(

Happy Birthday babe! His birthday was February 17. He wanted to make a Jucy Lucy.
A Jucy Lucy is a delicious meat and cheese thing we learned about on Man V. Food way back around Thanksgiving and I've been wanting to make one ever since then. It was amazing. 

What can I say, he likes to wear what Aurora likes. Obviously Zann doesn't like it when I dress him up. I want you to know, anytime I put Aurora in that dress, Teddy will try to take it off of him.

Teddy has recently become a fan of Turtles. He loves Raph. He can even say the name. It's really funny. This is part of his Halloween costume for next year.

Teddy is really into lining things up in a train. Apparently we need to get him one. I am not sure why he is only in his diaper. His smile makes up for it though.

Aurora has this face she does. It makes us all laugh. She doesn't do it all the time though so I am glad we were able to get it on camera.

I got this 'do from "Despicable Me". I do her like this all the time for church. I think it is adorable.

Fun in the tub

Just so cute!

This was just a few days ago. Teddy loves to be pushed around in the basket. He gets mad if Aurora isn't right next to him. He is such a great older brother.